K7 in bankruptcy, Seydoni in lay off:
What will make the minister Sissoko?
well-known saying of the Bamanan says this "One is humiliated only
when one speaks". The saying is extremely well applicable to the
Minister for the Culture, Cheick O Sissoko who, not long ago, had sworn
to resign if he would not succeed in eradicating the phenomenon of piracy.
As if taking him at his word, piracy has never been so well.
it’s under his administration that the two production facilities
of musical works are hit violently by the perverse effects of the plague
decided to send everyone on holiday. It’s made and the batch of
unemployed took the lift.
about the misdeeds of the piracy of the artistic works in public and the
most solemn way, the scenario writer minister, Cheick O Sissoko promised
to resign if he doesn’t manage to eradicate piracy as soon as possible.
Today, the report is overpowering. Piracy has not moved back at all; better
it made considerable bounce ahead. Consequences: two of our best production
societies, Mali K7 and Seydoni Mali have just laid their personnel off.
They were not able any more to face the recurring and incompressible charges
because of the wild competition of the pirated works. The official announcement
was made during a press meeting animated by the persons in charge for
the two structures: Fousseyni Traoré from Seydoni and Philippe
Berthier from Mali K7; it was on last March 16, in the head office of
Mali K7.
situation results from the unpunished offences even breaches of the political
and administrative leaders who do absolutely nothing to fight against
a plague undermining at the same time the life of the artists and the
production societies. They invested a lot to realize what is leaving into
smoke today. The persons in charge for the two structures avow to be deeply
shocked by the width of the waste "It became practically impossible
to not meet its product, in the market, counterfeited 24 hours only after
the putting on sale …Mali K7 and Seydoni cannot deal any more with
the width of the situation which removes them any possibilities of paying
the wages, the taxes, the INPS and the authors’ rights. The structures
thus driven to bankruptcy point together an accusing finger towards the
authorities which do not do anything to eradicate the phenomenon ".
after the fall of the two production giants of Bamako, people wonder when
the minister will honour its engagement.